04/05/2014: Streaming, but right!

Streaming, the right way! Network workshop with Rainer Fink

Network streaming is THE current hifi trend. But how does it actually work? What do I need for that? What do DSD, DXD, FLAC and WMV mean? And above all, how does it all sound ? Expert Rainer Finck answers these and many, many other questions in our streaming workshop. Learn what a music network is made of, how to set it up, and what file formats to know. And the most important thing: Experience on the demo system, consisting of the Marantz NA-11S / PM-11S3 and B&W 805 Maserati Edition , how good network hifi can sound! Due to the high demand we are offering the workshop on April 5th at two different times, at 11:00 and 13:00. Since the event is free and the number of participants is limited, we ask for early reservation! Registration 11 a.m. Registration 1 p.m. Details:

Streaming, the right way! Network workshop with Rainer Fink Saturday, April 5th, 2014, 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Auditorium Hamm Feidikstraße 93 59065 Hamm Free admission!