Regular readers of our Facebook page ( ) have probably already noticed that we're having a lot of fun with the little HUGO chord . And not just us, as the daily new enthusiastic test reports from all over the world prove. In the first German test, Dirk Sommer from hifistatement , otherwise known as an ardent admirer of analogue recording and playback technology, came to a clear conclusion: I have never heard a mobile converter / headphone combination that sounds anywhere near as fantastic as Hugo. If you want to enjoy or even edit HiRes PCM or DSD files in the highest quality on the go, you can't avoid the fine chord. But that's not all: As a completely normal stationary converter, Hugo is also one of the best in its class. For me, the little chord is the audiophile's discovery in the digital sector! Traditionally, the first tests of products from a British manufacturer take place in the bustling magazine scene on the island, and HUGO is no exception. And on the other side of the channel, too, the unanimous verdict is great enthusiasm. Above all, the result of the influential WHAT HI-FI booklet should be mentioned here. The HUGO not only received the coveted award with 5/5 stars, it also won the test in a comparative test! Here is the justification of the British testers The Chord's neutral, even-handed approach to music is as evident whether you're using it as a DAC or headphone amp - the Hugo is a device of many talents and plenty of charm. - ***** The strength of the mobile HUGO lies in the fact that despite its compact dimensions it does not compromise in terms of equipment and also reproduces music brilliantly in the highest resolutions. So it is all the more delighted when the experts from Qobuz, the pioneers in music streaming in hi-fi quality, celebrate HUGO just as enthusiastically: Pour conclure, le DAC Chord Hugo est presque le couteau suisse de la musique dématérialisée, en tout cas, en tant que DAC on ne voit pas ce qui lui manque. Les technologies propriétaires, Pulse array DAC et le filtre numérique WTA mises au point par Rob Watts procurent des résultats sonores qu'on peut qualifier d'excellents et pour le moins très flatteurs même si nous ne sommes pas pour autant persuadés que cela soit une approche de la vérité sonore mais cela importera donc peu à ceux dont la reproduction sonore est avant tout le plaisir et là il est clairement au rendez-vous avec ce DAC pas comme les autres. With the Chord HUGO , the British have hit the bull's eye, which not only impresses testers, but also veteran hi-fi salespeople! Curious: click here for more information!